Wellness Christina Benavidez Wellness Christina Benavidez

Dangerous Sports Drinks

These “sports” drinks are made up of refined GMO sugar (as much as soda), artificial colors and other terrible ingredients.

One of the worst ingredients- Brominated Vegetable Oil which is added to some flavors to keep the drink from getting cloudy and the artificial flavor suspended in the drink. This substance can cause skin rashes, thyroid disease, and severe acne. Of course, this is perfectly legal in the US,

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Health Freedom Christina Benavidez Health Freedom Christina Benavidez

Tylenol + Vaccines Don’t Mix

Let's talk Tylenol.  It's probably something you have had in your medicine cabinet, at one time or another.  "Experts" recommend the stuff for every possible ailment, and I'm sure you've heard the very common, "alternate every 4 hours" recommendation from a pediatrician.  Crazy thing is- it's terrible for you!!  Here's why.

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Mom Life Christina Benavidez Mom Life Christina Benavidez

Preparing For Baby + Free Birth Plan

When expecting a baby, many parents spend time planning for the pregnancy and birth.

Equally important is planning for your new life after baby is here.

Use this as a starting point to discuss and think about what you want life to be like the first few months of baby’s life.

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