What Do Doctors Learn About Vaccines?
/If you are currently researching vaccines, you have probably heard the argument- "I'll trust my doctor over Google any day- he went to medical school." Yea, I hear it all the time. But, just how accurate is that statement? I, personally have asked one doctor how many hours he spent covering vaccine safety and efficacy, in medical school. His answer- less than 30. I encourage you to ask your doctor the same, their answer may surprise you.
This is a quick round-up of several articles and videos discussing vaccine education.
+ Dr. Tony Bark recalls what she learned in medical school, and how she was placed in charge of an entire pediatric unit without proper training.
+ Dr. Bob Zajak talks about the lies he encountered during his training.
+ Dr. Nancy Turner explains that what she was taught about vaccines in medical school, was easily verified as lies with a little research inside her medical library.
+ Dr. Rachael Ross gives a statement about her personal experience with researching vaccines.
+ Forrest Maready, a journalist, presents his findings regarding vaccine education in medical school.
Be sure to check out our vaccine education page for more resources, printables, and links.
I hope you found this post informative. Have you asked a doctor about their vaccine training? I would love to hear from you.