Information concerning vaccine safety, efficacy, and production. Find resources, printable flyers and information cards. Connect with other vaccine educators and medical freedom activists.
If you’re like me, you love a good documentary! This list is loaded with some of my favorites, including the first film I ever saw, The Greater Good! Hope you enjoy, and be sure to share with those you love.
We’ve all heard it. “What about polio!” Well, let me tell you, if they bring up polio, you know for sure they haven’t researched anything. Here is a list of 20 things that you may not know about the history of polio…
There are hundreds of books out there that I would recommend, but here is my short list for getting your health freedom library started!
This is a GIANT list of doctors and scientists that are speaking out, against…you know what! Save it, share it, and see what these professionals have to say about the biggest psyop of our time.
Let's talk Tylenol. It's probably something you have had in your medicine cabinet, at one time or another. "Experts" recommend the stuff for every possible ailment, and I'm sure you've heard
If you are currently researching vaccines, you have probably heard the argument- "I'll trust my doctor over google any day- he went to medical school." Yea, I hear it
The concept of detoxing is pretty simple- we attempt to eliminate toxins and chemicals from our bodies and restore our inner balance. We do this with nutrition all the time, but
Are you being told you will be fired from your job if you don’t get the Covid jab? You can file a religious objection in all 50 states!